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Top mindfulness activities for children

In a world so focused on screens, the importance of giving your child lessons on how to be more mindful, aware, and socializing has drastically reduced. Busy parenting can be challenging but mindfulness is one of the most valuable gifts that you can teach your children.

By taking few hours from your busy schedule and focusing on nurturing your child’s mind will help them in a long run. Being mindful does not only positively affect an adult’s mental and physical wellbeing but can also help children grow with an attitude to face anything that comes their way.

Early ages of teaching how to be mindful and focus on mental health will improve your child’s life 10 times more than the average child who stares at screens all day. To begin with how to teach mindfulness, here are some of the top mindful activities that help you and your child.


As simple as it sounds, breathing is one of the most cautious and mindful activities that you can teach your child from a young age. Take few hours with your child and inhale and exhale for a couple of minutes. Start breathing exercises for 5-10mins for a day and let them focus on how their body reacts when inhaling and exhaling. Breathing exercises calm the mind and help you focus on the task in front of you.


There is no possible way that you can keep a child sitting in one place for more than 5 minutes, children are hyper and active and are constantly on the move. Helping them relax and stay in one place for few minutes will help them relax their nerves. This is why meditating is another mindful activity that you and your kid both can enjoy doing. Meditating doesn’t have to be sitting in one position with your eyes closed. Meditating activities can also be something that you enjoy every much that helps you focus. Such as painting, organizing, reading, or even playing an instrument.

Take a walk or go for a run

The outdoors is the best place to raise your children. Kids nowadays are so cooped up in their rooms with their tablets and phones. It gives them no exposure to the outside world and day-to-day activities. Take a walk with your child and enjoy the activity. Walking is also a helpful way to engage in small talk with your child, allowing them to process their day and keep them fit. Walking, jogging, or even going for a run will help your child focus on the task and help them follow a routine in their life.

Bedtime stories

Everyone loves a good bedtime story filled with surprises, joy, and thrill. Help your child to follow a bedtime ritual such as brushing their teeth, making their bed before getting in, and saying their prayer while you prepare a good story for them. This way your child is more organized and calm. In addition to that, a good bedtime story and time spent with you when they are young will create good memories for them during their childhood.